Little Swimmer 1.jpg


Created from 2018-2021, this work investigates the transition from childhood to adulthood, as we become socially aware of the judgement of others and finding our place in a social group. They are about story and character; with a specificity of portrait, clothing, and body shape which imbues them with agency beyond the judgment placed upon usual representations of sexuality and beauty.


Created around 2018, this was my first attempt at a multi-figure sculpture (as well as woodcarving). I was still exploring the idea of heroic and powerful women, these ones being on a journey. I liked the contrast of ancient setting and activity with contemporary women sporting modern tattoos.


Beach Girls

Created from 2012- 2014, these works focus on contemporary women athletes portraying ancient iconic roles, juxtaposed in the extreme casual beach setting.

Canyon Walkers

The "Canyon Walkers" are four heroic scale figurative bronze sculptures which are placed in front of Laguna College of Art + Design's main campus.  These figures are representative of the people one might see making their way through the culturally unique Laguna Canyon.  Installed in 2018.

Ugly Children

Created from 2010-2014, this work was a side project which turned into the inspiration for my Swimmer series. These characters draw from people I knew growing up and myself. Poking fun at the variety of shapes and postures a body can take.



Work created from 2008 - 2012, this includes many of the pieces from my MFA thesis show and shortly there after.